If you’re about to make an important career decision, and if you like using affirmations, then you should enjoy the list of affirmations below from Laurence Boldt’s book, Zen and the Art of Making a Living. He calls them “The Quest for Life’s Work Affirmations.”
And if you’ve never used affirmations before, and you’re wondering if reading or saying aloud statements like these can really work to change your feelings or behavior, you might want to check out the research. According to psychologist and author Dr. David J. Bredehoft, in his article, The Science Behind Self-Affirmations, “Social psychologists began serious academic research on self-affirmations in the 1980s and have continued for more than 40 years.” He provides a sampling of findings from some of that research.
Either way, you may simply find it energizing to read through the list. Enjoy!
I am now willing to see the vision of my life’s work.
- Whatever fears or blocks may have kept me from seeing my work in the past are now dissolved by my desire to know and be my very best.
- I am open to receiving the vision of my life’s work easily and with joy. I now receive it.
- I am willing to accept this vision and promise to be responsible to and for it.
- Having seen the vision of my life’s work, I trust that it will continue to reveal itself more fully to me as time goes by.
- I am confident of my ability to manifest the vision I see.
- I boldly take each and every step necessary to make this vision manifest.
- My strongest talents and abilities are now made clear to me. I accept and embrace them with gratitude.
- I am happy that I am a unique individual, endowed with unique talents and abilities. I never spend my precious time and energy comparing my talents with those of others.
- I like me, and I like being who I am. I am glad I have the talents I have, and I use them wisely in service to others.
- Each and every day it becomes more clear to me how I can best apply my talents to my life’s work.
- The more I focus on my desire to achieve the vision of my life’s works, the more my talents become clear to me and the more effectively I use them.