Networking: “Don’t Be A Resume” And Other Tips

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Below are 3 networking tips to help you with your networking approach.

1. Be aware of how you project yourself.
Always be aware of your manners, your integrity and how you talk about your situation and others (and past employers). Become comfortable saying, “I’m between jobs” or “I’m exploring new options.”

Be truthful and authentic – you never know who might pass your name along. Every encounter is a potential job interview or might lead to a career opportunity.

“Don’t be a resume. Be a person. With a personality.” –Terri Mandell (author of Power Schmoozing)

2. Give friends & family constructive ways to help you.
Find other ways to discuss your job search rather than asking them if they know of any job openings. Maybe they will know of a job opening that is well-suited to you, but maybe they won’t.

Ironically, friends usually want to help, and if they feel they can’t, there’s a strong possibility they’ll start to avoid you. So here’s an alternative… when they ask how your job search is going, say, “I’ve come up with three target companies – X, Y and Z – do you know anything about them or do you know anyone who knows anyone who works there?”

3. Enjoy yourself and have fun.
Eventually, opportunities & doors will open, but put that agenda aside and enjoy the experience of making friends – of being in the moment – of being of service to someone else.

“Make friends first; probe for openings later.” –Terri Mandell

© 2010 Angela Loeb